Owenbridge Logistics Recycling Transport


Owenbridge Logistics is environmentally friendly.

We recommend the use of static compactors, portable compactors, balers and bins to lead us to efficient waste management for all types of products. The successful recycling of cardboard and plastics reduces the pressure on the need to process raw materials, to produce the same products. The reduction of raw material requirements reduces overall waste size and cost, which more importantly reduces everyone’s environmental footprint.

Every household and business product has a potential to be recycled.

Cardboard, paper, soft plastics, hard plastics, glass, metal, aluminium and polystyrene are examples of the most common products that are recyclable. Please feel free to call and ask about any potential recycling products you have in mind, and we will be glad to help.

Together, we can all save the planet by recycling as much as possible.